Communication WAN network of the Slovenská Pošta connects IT systems, which serves its employees, external suppliers, as well as all citizens using its services. Network contains lot of security components, located in datacenters, or on the WAN network perimeters. On those perimeters is the internal network interconnected to the Internet.
Security and continuous monitoring of those interconnections is essential aspect of hassle-free WAN network operation, as well as guarantee of the security all IT systems operated by Slovenská Pošta. In addition to security - design of the entire WAN network, implementation and configuration of the network security components together with their management – are inevitable part of the overall network operation.
Slovenská pošta, a. s.
Postal services
More than 10.000 employees

Ensuring the data transmission protection and access to the IT systems of the Slovenská Pošta. Monitoring and administration of the WAN network security components.
Our solution
Protection of the data transmission.
Certified IT professionals provide specialized services.
Within this project, following services are regularly provided:
- Communication encryption – on the network components level:
- Communication encryption within the WAN network on the routers; based on the IPSec technology.
- Installation, settings, administration and monitoring and encryption of communication between two communication nodes within the WAN network.
- Encryption between Slovenská Pošta WAN node and external partner system.
- Monitoring and evaluation of security incidents detected on the WAN components.
- Design and guidance of security solutions within the WAN network.
- Representation of the Slovenská Pošta during negotiations with third parties concerning IT security, providing solutions proposals, solutions implementations.
- Control and monitoring of the authentication and authorization of access to the networks and critical data through VPN (non-stop monitoring 24/7/365 based on collecting and analysing the log files from security devices).
- Monitoring and surveillance of all security components within the WAN network of Slovenská Pošta, including its operational systems updates.
- Providing the maintenance and deployment services upon request, with 24/7 availability.
- Consultations, advisory, and deployment services by changes and upgrades of the network security, based on the Slovenská Pošta and their partners requirements. Emphasis on further integration of IT services by the client.
- Organization of training and education courses for clients technicians, in cooperation with third parties and technology vendors.
Data transmissions protection belongs between one of the most important tasks provided by the IT operation department within the Slovenská Pošta. GAMO is long-term and reliable partner for this task.
Ján Púchy
Head of IT operation dpt.
Ensuring the desired security level of the network components, on program and technical level, including its monitoring.
Authentication, authorization and access logging to the networks and its critical data and services.
Continuously monitored security status of the entire information system of Slovenská Pošta.
Configurations and system settings of each security component is fully under control of the certified IT professionals.
Providing technical consultations, guidance and IT services during changes and further development of the Slovenská Pošta WAN network.